fmovies The Lighthouse 2019 Full Movie Dailymotion

  • actor - Valeriia Karaman, Logan Hawkes
  • Average Rating - 8,3 of 10 Stars
  • Year - 2019
  • genre - Mystery
  • directors - Robert Eggers
  • Duration - 1 H, 49 M





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The Lighthouse 2019 Full Movie dailymotion. The lighthouse 2019 full movie dailymotion eng. The lighthouse 2019 full movie dailymotion 2015. The lighthouse 2019 full movie dailymotion season. The Lighthouse 2019 Full Movie dailymotion thumbnail. The lighthouse 2019 full movie dailymotion 2016. The Lighthouse: Filmed in a monochrome which produces many shades of grey as does the film itself. The cameras and film stock are of the type used in the early 20th century which results in an aged looking print. At times the island is drenched in sun and a sparkling black and white results but more often it is the grey of rain and storms while the indoors are dark, small sections barely lit by lamps. But it is the lighting of the faces which result in the opening of the terror, the senior keeper Willem Dafoe's visage seeming deranged as he tells his tall tales before it twists with manic rage as he abuses and orders Robert Pattinson about. Pattinson's countenance is at first meek, then resentful and gradually anger builds. Dafoe ranges from the comical like the Captain from The Simpsons to frightening Shakespearian soliloquys.
Though Cinematographer Jarin Blaschke does a great job it is Director Robert Eggers set up of shots which make this film, an eye staring through a hole in the shingles, the ship disappearing into the fog, tentacles wrapping around Pattison, a stand off with a seagull. Pattinson's feud with a seagull is central to the development of the narrative. As is his exploitation by Dafoe, he ends up doing all of the back breaking manual work, stoking the furnaces, hauling coal in all weather, while Dafoe tends the lamp.
A tale of madness due to isolation, alcohol abuse, being stranded by a storm; as well as a building sense of resentment on the part of Pattinson. But is Pattinson a reliable narrator, or is Dafoe really gaslighting him? Pattinson also has visions of a Mermaid she eventually seems to actually appear and they make love. Elements of a quandry or what is real and what is imaginary emerge just as they did in Eggers' The Witch. A masterpiece of psychological horror which is leavened with disturbing scenes and some extreme violence. Co-written by Robert and Max Eggers. 9/10.

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